Add 0 Ads inside one or more boards.
Bulk editing 0 ads
Add 0 Ads inside one or more boards.
Use Boards to curate your collection. Create boards for specific hooks, angles, clients, etc.
Upload jpegs, mp4s, etc. from your device.
They will be uploaded to your Swipekit account.
They won't show up in Multiplayer.
Drag & drop your files here or click to select.
Add an ad from the Facebook Ad Library
You won't be able to save Ads. Follow the instructions below to start saving Ads.
You can share boards publicly.
Copy publicly shareable link
Share this Ad with others, or embed this Ad inside Notion, Clickup, Asana or in any webpage.
Copy this link and paste it inside any Slack chat.
Multiplayer is a collection of all Ads saved by Swipekit users.
Find Winning Ads quickly by using the Ad Active days sorting option to show longest running Ads.
Use The Ad Reach sorting option to find the Ads with the biggest reach(This will show Ads on the Meta platform which have ran in the EU)
Extend your free trial by 14 days!
If you're enjoying Swipekit, I'd love to see a review from you!
In return, I will extend your free trial by 14 days.
Here's how it works:
Post a review on our Chrome webstore listing.
Please post a sizeable review, eg: "Better than most that are twice or three times the price!". One word reviews aren't acceptable.
Once the review is live, message me using the in-app live chat widget 'Hey I've posted a review under the name '
I'll extend your free trial by 14 days.
Add a brand from the Facebook Ad library and we will track it for you.
To add a brand, copy the url of the brand page and paste it here. Here's an example of a brand page.